About Us

 Photography is the art of using a camera to capture light to generate an image, typically using a digital sensor or film. You can even capture images of wavelengths of light, such as UV, infrared, and radio waves, with the correct camera gear.

Beautiful images of nature fascinate me. Probably so are you. Our walls, as well as our billboards, calendars, screen savers, and museum galleries, are decorated with beautiful pictures of landscapes, animals, plants, and exotic, unspoiled locations. We all appear addicted.

When we study nature via the lens of photography, we are also invited to think about the level of environmental understanding of the rapidly changing world that nature photography may offer.

Although many of the well-known photographic subjects we are familiar with are ecologically affected, environmentally deteriorated, or simply destroyed, the digital revolution in photography today produces a natural landscape that has never looked so alive, colorful, luminous, or even transcendent. With the advantages of Adobe Photoshop, nature photography today seems to delight in a hyper "grandeur." It further argues that we would only feel the need to protect or repair it via such an emotional response. This is why most wildlife photography as a genre must drive us to love and admire it.

Every living thing on earth is inevitably amazed by the beauty of nature. There are many photos and blogs related to nature, you can find here. They will take you through my personal experiences as I write about nature and its essence of feeling overwhelmed. 

I write specifically about the earlier images I took with their distinctive backstories on my page.


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